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At the southern side of Hong Kong, we have recently designed an apartment facing the Aberdeen Harbour with a beautiful mountain view. The apartment is designed to lengthen the horizontal experience with long timber cabinet wall and a mix of grey marble and texture wall, and introducing a airy flow to the interior that merges with the surrounding scenery.

The clients, a couple, requested a calm and minimal atmosphere in the apartment. The interior is unified with white washed oak and a gradient of grey textures. A 9m long custom-made cabinet wall is introduced in the living area with charcoal grey metal detail, resting in front of a light grey striped backdrop. It acts as a major storage for the apartment and also as a physical connection from the entrance to the window. Part of the cabinet has transformed to a sitting bench next to the apartment's harbour view.
As the living area extends into the bedroom, a grey wall with a wooden ceiling is being the connection of the spaces. The grey wall consists of two sliding doors concealing the bathrooms and with an array of marble detail.

STUDIO ADJECTIVE 最新完成的住宅項目位於香港仔鴨脷洲南灣LARVOTTO,單位面積1300尺,是次單位座向能飽覽香港仔船廠以及山巒景緻。設計團隊透過將平面重新規劃,將戶主二人對空間「各一」的需求以設計達致平衡和諧的狀態,再延伸到視覺上,以達至統一及空間感較強、舒適度高的設計效果。

設計上選用淡色木、米白色及淡灰色作為全屋主要色調,簡單自然帶出安靜的力量。配合戶主優雅悠然且井然有序的性格,團隊在客廳特意設計一個達九米長的原木色大櫃由玄關位置一直延伸至窗邊,讓戶主有充裕劃一的收納空間同時達至擴闊居室視野的效果。另一伸延處理則由一幅六米長的灰色牆身由飯廳伸延至睡房,牆後隱藏兩個供戶主二人能同時使用的洗手間及浴室,善用走廊空間且拉長視覺感觀。沿走廊可先看見男戶主特設的特大衣帽間, 而女戶主的則設置在房間內。房間內的床架牆身的顏色和物料均統一以淡灰色和木的處理,平衡室內外的自然謐靜,貫徹戶主雍容閑雅的性格。另外,單位擁有優美的香港仔船廠及群山景觀,設計團隊在客廳的窗邊設計了一排長坐椅供朋友作客的休閒座,分享優美自然景色。

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